About My Number..

Hey people, I have my old number again! Yay! πŸ™‚

So please delete that number I gave you guys in the last entry. My mom will harp on you if you continue to “call me” at that number. So ya.. Just a warning πŸ˜‰

And if you can’t remember what my old number.. Shame on you!!!

No, I’m kidding πŸ˜›

Just let me know and I’ll give it to you..

Another Lost

For the first time in my life, I lost my handphone. I must have stupidly misplaced it and someone has already stolen it la.

So don’t call me at my old number. For now, I can be contacted at 0126788433.

And pray for me.. That phone holds a lot of personal memories. That’s the only reason whyΒ I did not change it after all these years. I know I’m nonsensically emotional.. Crying over a 4 year old, RM400 phone..

Oh well..

New Profile Page

I don’t know if you’ve noticed.. But I edited my profile page!

I’ve been thinking a quite a bit lately, and one thing I realized is that I’ve changed, and am still changing. Those of you who have known me longer should know about my previous blog. I read it the other day and had a good time laughing at my old self. The way I thought and talked in the past was really different.. Immature is the word πŸ˜›

So now I would like to invite you to leave a comment in my profile page, describing me or just one part of my personality in a sentence.

I think that would make an interesting addition to my profile page. What do you think? πŸ™‚

My Farewell Party

Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please?

I will be hosting a farewell party for erm, myself, on the 5th of August 2006. It will be held at my house, at 6:30pm.

People on the invitation list: Anyone who cares that I’m leaving.. πŸ™‚
As long as you RSVP by the 26th of July, I’ll take it that you’re coming.

I won’t really call it a party la actually. It’s just a gathering of all the people I know and love, so that I can spend some time with each and every one of them before I fly off to the States.

There’re a lot of people that I’ve been wanting to meet up with but we never had the time. People like Churn Haw, Adrian, Rachel, some RBS friends which I’ve not seen since graduation, etc. I hope that night will be my chance to catch up with all of you guys πŸ™‚

For more information, give me a call, send me an SMS, email, or IM me, okay?